Monday, September 14, 2009

Another MTV VMA...2009 SMH

So I honestly didn't notice who it was that hopped up on stage wit Jay that nite till my boy told me it was lil mama. WTF?!?! WHY? First this shit wit kanye now this lil heffa wants some attention. An eventful night non the less. Sit down lil mama, no one cares about you.

Now here's the MAJOR SMH of the night...

Kanye West proves to us once more that he's a retarded child who fell on his head one to many times. Honestly no one gives a flying F*CK what you think Kanye. Stop crying about shit, just stop really. Can't let no one have their moment of glory cus your this lil attention hog bitch. Taylor Swift shoulda slapped the black outta him.

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